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Posts posted by sssurfer

  1. bad news :thumbdown:

    Really. :black_eye:

    Besides, Lello told me his watchsmith is having a bad time in disassembling a movement that he does not know and of which he doesn't even have an 'exploded' drawing/blueprint/picture.

    So, should any experts chime in and give any tiny help they can, they will always be welcome...

  2. Yes I too would suggest a 050 (40mm but solid back) or a 42mm Radiomir.

    I would prefer the 050 (black face) vs the 051 (white face) as white watches seem larger than they actually are (as all white things vs black things).

    Anyway, I have a 17cm wrist, and I always wear 44mm models, and not rarely even 47mm models.

  3. Compared with the pic in the OP official site, it lacks The 'Automatic' inscription below 'Panerai' at 6 o'clock.

    But the funny thing is that it is the OP pic that is unaccurate. The pics on all OP official catalogues show a dial exactly like the rep.

    I always asserted that the 050 is the best out-of-the-box PAM rep, and the 051 is the same level.

    Possibly it is even better, as the black-on-white marks even look a little thinner than their white-on-black 050 counterparts (a 1 micron too bold font being the only 'flaw' that the pickiest 050 detractors have been able to find -- if any).

    Even the numbers on the caseback are correct.

    If you want a rep that even a Panerista could not spot on without opening the caseback, go for it.

    BTW, I had my Josh 050 tested for waterproof by my watchsmith and it passed the test hands down. Good for swimming and even a few meters occasional diving.

  4. Babola, really thanks!

    I was just beginning to wonder whether it could not be true PVD, after all, it would be the simplest solution to everything.

    And your findings now gave us the solution.

    The fact the the underlying finish (brushed rather than beadblasted) is enough to give the shinier look, and that colouring differences may vary from a quite dark black to gray, makes sense on all the features we find in rep PVD.

    I just feel some doubts about the shiny look may fade away with time. It being due to the underlying layer rather than the PVD layer, this would require that the PVD layer fades away well before the surface can reach a matte look...

  5. docs that diagnose these bizarre cases? :p

    Quite a difficult task given the lack of info about other areas of your life, surely you know the diagnosis much better than anyone else. :)

    I'll try to make a hypothesis on the only two data that you gave us (out with the watches, and in with a new lady).

    Loosing interest in everything is a sure sign of depression, but engaging in a new love absolutely contradicts it (as well as, to a lesser extent, keeping posting on the forum).

    I would guess that you are making several other important changes in your life, sort of a restart, and the former watch addiction was just a compensatory process that you don't need anymore now.

    Even more, now you might feel it related with your previous and unsatisfactory state, so getting rid of all your watches becomes sort of a symbol of getting rid of all the past way you were. This would explain why you did not even keep one single piece.

    In this case, this is the only and true way to get rid of an addiction, and the best part is that it is only a side effect of a much wider life improvement.

    In this case again, there's a chance you will get back to watch loving but on different reasons.

    In any case, congrats and my best wishes on your new life! :thumbsupsmileyanim:251553-7406.jpg

    P.S.: I would leave freudian colleagues to speculate about what a free wrist could be a symbol of... :lol:

  6. @sssurfer, that's really odd...he must have had lots of customs troubles w/ your country...


    And he's not the only one... even some ebay sellers are beginning to exclude my country from those they are willing to deliver to...

    And the worst part is that I even suspect it's not because my customs are too efficient, but because they (and my postal service that is joined with them) are so inefficient to loose packages or to delay the delivering for months...

    Apologies for this little hijacking the thread. Rant mode off now.

  7. hey guys!

    I am proud of myself...i think i have found the holy grail of the worst reps...and the best thing that it was never posted before...

    here you go...and plus here is the link with a lot of the "horror" reps...horror reps

    the great thing is that you can find a lot of them!


    there is a pink version too...WOW!

    Ouch my eyes!... and I believed I had seen everything... :black_eye:

  8. That question came out from a try by Lello to find a better datewheel for the 090 -- and a try by me to give him a little help.

    The Seagull ST25 was supposed to be the movement in the 090, and also a partial copy of the ETA 2892A2, but both those assertions are now questioned.

    As a matter of fact, if I place a 2893 datewheel (that is the same size of a 2892 datewheel) on a 090 dial, it seems pathetically small.

    Oh well, Lello is planning to disassemble his 090 in a couple of days so we shall see...

  9. As I mentioned earlier I am doing this the other way. I have 25 on the way to me now.

    I did not realize it, kruzer -- my poor English hit again, it seems.

    That being the thing, it goes without saying that I'll honour my committment if you ordered any PVD crowns in this batch.

    Please can you confirm it so that I don't wonder anymore whether buying on the bay?

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