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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. It's gen. It might just be the pics that make the lume look yellow, notice the pic below of mine, the one and two hour markers look very yellow, but in reality they are more of a light green (c1/c3) colour)


    The globe comes on the SMP in the last 3 years as far as I know, again see my case back, the on on ebay is definitely a genuine;


  2. Many thanks!! How are things for you??!!

    Not bad thank you! Just two more assignments to hand in, then it's preparation for exams! Have secured a commercial internship with a global firm for the summer too, which I am very much looking forward to!

    Do you have an easter break coming up soon?

  3. This week I have had two break throughs;

    1) I found a 'close up' option on my sisters camera phone = slighty better pics :bangin:

    2) I bought a genuine SMP Auto :1a:

    The Watch

    I feel it doesn't need much of an introduction. It is a legend among many divers, as well as many Bond fans. It was originally worn by Pierce Brosnan, and it also appears in the new Casino Royale, being worn by Daniel Craig. It is the full size automatic version


    Compared to my rep SMP Chrono

    I used to have the SMP Chrono (currently on its way to Lazarini) I must admit, in comparison to the gen, the look and feel is very close. The three main comments I would make are;

    1) The bracelet feels much better on the gen. It is more free, however, a little lubricant on the rep bracelet could possibly fix this

    2) The lume - by god does this thing glow!!!

    3) The dial - The wave pattern is certainly more prominent in sunlight than on the replica





    I have wanted to buy this watch for a long time. There was something about it that drew me in. It is fairly simple looking, the cult image, but overall it is just such a versatile watch. You can wear it with almost anything. As for comfort, it is darn close to the Aerospace, which I believe to this day is the most comfortable watch available.

    Anyway, I didn't want to write too much, just to post a few pics of it;








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