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Posts posted by By-Tor

  1. I have to respectfully disagree here, I don't like that blue at all. Especially if you think how beautiful and captivating the blue dial on the current 16613 is.

    That one in stainless steel and black dial... hmm, why not. I still prefer the old slimmer case. Rolex Submariner is like Porsche 911... they shouldn't have changed the perfect lines.

  2. Ah... those are the same old factory photos that Angus used. Markers look good in the pictures because it's possible to take a photo from a favorable angle and make them appear black. If Chris' source hasn't made any changes I believe the same old problem still exists. Why don't you ask him?

  3. I don't have account at Eurotimez' site. Please save the pics and share them through a photohost site.

    I dunno if this can be said publicly, but I talked to Chris about 6 months ago and he wanted to make a white Noob Explorer II with correct hour markers. There were some difficulties. Haven't talked to him in ages so I have no idea whether he abandoned the project or not.

    This black ExpII came from him so I know he can source the best ones.

  4. I am kind of hesitant about this watch after hearing the horror stories of it stopping so frequently and stuff... does this version not have these flaws? I just hate the thought of spending 200+ on a watch that is probably going to stop in 6 months :-(((

    Who told you "horror stories" about the ETA WHS?

    Tell him to p*ss off and continue with his homework. Based on my experiences ETA WHS very reliable movement. The only potential problems are badly installed hands. Some people have experienced "lagging" GMT hand, but "stopping frequently" isn't synonymous with this movement.

    Don't mix up the CHS (bad reliability) with reliable WHS which uses only one 2x larger extra gear for the 24h hand. I've owned 10-15 of these in the past 4 years and never, ever had one single problem.

    Apparently this myth dies hard.

    PS: My white Explorer franken has CHS. Perhaps you thought this one had too? I will never again buy a CHS movement (unless it's the real Rolex 3185)... the hand stack doesn't bother me one bit.

  5. Yeah, white dial is impossible (unless you have the old case). This has been beaten to death... unfortunately the white rep dials are all bad. That's why I'm kinda "promoting" the black version to people who like ExpII... this is almost equally nice (just imho). :)

    Eurotimez and bklm1234 can source this exact model.

  6. Pay attention to these details:

    - Pretty much perfect crystal / rehaut appearace: Only WM9 can match this.

    - Even the '5 seconds ticks are thicker (as per gen)

    - Crown guards are 95% accurate without any mods. Well I could have taken a bit off of the insides but I didn't bother.

    - Thin long GMT hand with correct shape.

    - Very good dial

    - Small date mag (like on gen GMT & ExpII).

    - Almost perfect bezel & bezel numbers

    The etched crystal crown is oversized and I'm not fully satisfied with the SELs but I guess they're ok.

  7. Natalie Lee posted some hilariously stupid lines when we were giving her a hard time on TRC (about using gen pics to promote his stock).

    This was partly due to her? bad English, which itself isn't a laughing matter.

    Actually, when I came to Internet back in 1993 (as a student) it was only Usenet, and making fun of someone's bad English/grammar was considered the lowest form of flaming/ serious abuse of Netiquette. And that's how it should be.

    People in Spain, France, Italy and Germany often have troubles with their English... maybe they still think they're colonizational superpowers and the rest of the world should learn their language. :D But then again... thank God not everything in this world revolves around The Great Britain. :D

  8. I've seen the early white dialed Explorer II's with silver/gunmetal surrounds. These would be from the early 80's and the dial would still say 'Swiss- T<25'.

    These are the same dials that turned the cream color and are so expensive these days because they are such a collectors item.

    Indeed. That's the "Ivory Dial" ExpII which is ultra rare and gaining value every year.


  9. Those old family cars that have been tuned to "cool rally/sports cars" with ridiculous wings and huge tires are the worst.

    Nothing wrong with classic sports cars though. I'd love to have the original Audi Quattro from the 80's... now THAT is a car that has some style and dignity.


    Though I wouldn't mind owning a Porsche 928 and BMW 850i, either. Or a classic '65 Mustang. :) I'm driving a '06 Mercedes E Kompressor. While it's a very good car, it has ZERO "feeling" and "spirit". Everything is sterile and boring.

  10. And not all people care about cars... me included. I drive an expensive car but only because it's a company car. I would never invest money on a car... if I had to (and if was a must for the job), I'd probably drive just that Honda Civic. I simply don't care about cars... and driving some "tuned up" Batmobile sports car would be a major embarrassment for me.

    But hey... ask again when I'm 60 and I can't get it up anymore... :D


    Ok... just joking of course. Some people love cars & get kicks out these... nothing wrong with that, but I'm not one of them. :)

  11. Once again: Plain preowned stainless Rolexes are not even expensive... they're low middle range watches at best. Anyone, even that particular "Honda Civic owner" could purchase a second hand $2500 steel Sub with ease.

    I mean, how poor you must be... to think that $2.5K is a lot of money for something that you really love? Maybe if you're a 17-year old student flipping burgers at gas station...

  12. One of my favourite's was...........


    by that loveable wee chappie Paul. I can remember the melee this episode caused as if it were yesterday. The horror - the horror!

    Hey Jon, you mispelled it. Paul originally called it "CARZY SALE!"

    Paul being busy driving his Porche (sic) was a classic too.


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