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Posts posted by sssurfer

  1. Thanks all, fellows! :huglove:

    If i try real hard i could do it in this thread :)

    I would have loved it, pho -- but it is right you get your own 1000 posts thread. :)

    Congrats ssurfer - you join an elite bunch............or do I mean elitist? :lol:

    You'd better mean etilist, JTB! :lol:

    (For the sake of clarity: I am speaking about myself)

    1000!!! NICE! Your American English is better than most Americans including our wonderful president poopiehead. Prove that you live in Roma! Let's see a pic of current Italian newspaper??

    Thanks for your kind words!

    As a sign of appreciation (for your avatar as well) here is the proof you asked for.

    Just, as a 'simply' Italian newspaper would not make for a proof that I live in Roma, here is a pic of the Roma section of that newspaper:


  2. So we are at:

    Thor: 4

    avitt: 3

    chieftang: 5

    Tom: 1

    kruzer00: 5

    olga: 2

    sssurfer: 10

    Total: 30

    What do you think about I ask Jimmy to sell 30 pieces at $150 + s/h?

    s/h from Jimmy to my country is $18. So, the final price to all members would be 168/30 = $5.6/ea (+ s/h from here).

    If this is ok to you, gimme your green light and I'll enquire Jimmy.

    Should any other member offer to make the buy and the shippings to the other buyers, he is welcome.

    Actually, I bought one of the 'previous' crystals from Jimmy and I could touch with my hands its quality (even if not sapphire as declared). Harder to scratch than ordinary glass, rich in heavy metal, and completely free from inclusions -- differently from, e.g., the crystals that x-jewelry was once selling on eBay @ about $10.

    (BTW, it now is on my 028A while waiting for a sapphire replacement for the crystal that my watchsmith ruined, and it is working great).

    I feel that missing this occasion at this price would be a shame.

  3. Great idea, Thor!

    I'll try to use that spreadsheet as soon as I get acquainted with it.

    In the meanwhile, anyone interested to add his name and nr of wanted pieces here is welcome.

    Even better, this new batch from Jimmy is 40 pieces (instead of 50)! So we are just 17-18 pieces away from our goal. :)

  4. Back of the case does have the full word "Panerai" - I am no expert either.. :mellow:

    Exactly. I hope that the one in Davidsen's pics was just a prototype, otherwise that would make for a dead giveout.

    Better asking Davidsen about it before purchasing.

    Another, very minor, flaw is that the small seconds subdial seems just a tiny bit undersized -- on those pics at least.

    Also hard to tell from the pics about the Cote-de-Geneve on the movement back.

  5. normaly SF240 movement not worth $20... it is so expensive, because historic and rare. But the quality is [censored]... and a copy were MORE [censored].

    Good to know. Thanks for the advice, tourby.

    Just, if a real 8-days copy surfaces out, i Think I'll put it in my 65-GBP "8 Giorni Brevettato". :g:

    (BTW, sorry for your customs issue).

  6. Thanks all, folks!

    And a double thanks to mods for being so nice.

    please don't slow down now. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Aaah, I really feel at home... that reminds me of what wifey tells me too... :lol:

    (BTW, last Christmas I managed to get all Panerai catalogues 2002-2006, and 1997-2006 for Special Editions -- so you may expect a new and improved PAM table quite soon)

    me personally i will NEVER get that sort of a post count!!!!!!!!!!

    @ 3 posts/day I expect you very soon ;)

  7. 1000th POST!

    Whew, not so bad to a non-anglophone, isn't it?

    Am I the first Italian to get to it?

    I just wish to thank all those who beared with me, my long rimaroles, my bad manners, my bad ideas, and my even badder (worse, eh eh!) English, all this time along.

    Thanks mods, this post is ready to be moved to the Off-Topic section -- just pls let me relish the taste of the General place some minutes more, if you like... :D

    Best to all,


  8. Thanks, Thor!

    Anyone interested pls declare how many pieces he wants. :)

    If we reach a decent number I may ask Jimmy about his price even on less than 50 pieces.

    (To sell them as singles he asked $22 /ea shipped, that is waaaay overpriced...)

    wow, two posts left to 1000!

  9. Jimmyzfu is selling out a bunch of 50 crystals for 44mm PAM on ebay at less than $5 each: LINK

    These are not sapphire. As I explained in another thread, they are top-quality mineral glass. Differently from Jimmy's previous crystals, these have no AR coating as well (I directly asked Jimmy).

    Still, at less than $5 each I feel they are a good deal. Just, a 50 pieces batch is oversized to my needs (I would need 10 or so).

    Anyone here interested in a group buy on these crystals?

  10. What do you mean with 165-06? A 2006 version of the 165?

    As far as I know (and I have all PAM catalogues up to 2006) there's no such beast. The 165 was produced only in the years 2003 - 2004.

    About the usual 165 rep, its main flaw is being full SS (stainless steel) instead of SS and titanium.

    It should be:

    case and caseback: titanium;

    bezel and crown guard: SS;

    bracelet: SS and titanium alternated.

    Overall, an unaccurate rep, sorry.

  11. Oh, and the black color of the dial is at about 315 K wile it was supposed to be 309 K.

    (Maybe it's the lamp light, though).


    Don't mind about those supposed 'flaws', they are so negligible that even a ViaPaneristi would not notice them. Just some eagle-eye PAM crazies like phoband and V could find them.


    And even if your watch were a sh*t, that strap is stunning! :lol:

    Did you Promarker the stitch?

  12. Thanks, Admin.

    I hate I have to point out that there is still an issue with the list of Members Who Viewed Topic Today, at the bottom of any page.

    It seems like lacking carriage returns / line feeds. It displays a single line of names that gets interrupted on the right side. Here's a pic:


  13. Davidsen's PVD is true PVD.

    The so-called 'PVD' of other reps is something different -- most likely black oxide. It looks a little darker and shinier than the real thing.

    Even Davidsen's may not be exactly like gen PAMs. The overall look of a PVD surface depends both on the single PVD treatment and the previous beadblasting treatment. Even gen PVD pams may differ on different models and releases.

    Davidsen's PVD is very nicely looking, anyway.

    The most close-with-the-gen PVD treatment is most likely that from palpatine: he uses the same company that makes PVD treatment on genuines.

    You may also get a good PVD coating from Finepics.

    Apart from Davidsen, palpatine and Finepics I am not in knowledge of any other chances, after IWW's stepback.

    All those three chances are very good anyway.

    Edit: also rbj recently started providing PVD service.

  14. RT,

    thanks for your effort in this.

    I did not vote simply because I was not interested in any of the proposed models. If I had put a random vote that would have been an undeserved vantage to a random model vs other models, and I preferred to stay impartial and to keep the polls unbiased.

    I'm sorry if this sounded like taking no interest in the matter.

    Sometimes forbearing from doing something is not due to sloth and idleness, but to a choice -- with no criticism to the starter(s) of the matter.


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