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Posts posted by By-Tor

  1. True that, my humble appologies to the community :tomaatit: . I tended to drift toward my own knowledge / affection to the various brands. I also for got to mantion Swatch in the list, feel free to insert Swatch into the list where you feel appropriate :thumbs: . As I always have said, there is a whole world of great collectible watches out there which would surely take a lifetime to research / enjoy.

    No... I didn't mean it that way at all man. I didn't know anything about brands like VC and JLC before I joined this community, either. Your reply was interesting, because this was all about how people "see" the brands. This is not a competition in "brand knowledge" in any shape or form. When I re-read my reply now, I can see that it might look like that I ridicule you for your "lack of knowledge". I would never, ever do that to the fellow members... my apologies for my "cocky" tone... I swear it wasn't intentional.

    Breguet has invented:

    Perpetual Calendar






    among many other horological things... actually Breguet invented the whole automatic wristwatch and power reserve as we know it. I didn't know all this, either... before I looked at Wikipedia. :D

    I knew Breguet and their reputation though... but I'm not sure how. I always saw Breguet as "Rolls Royce of wrist watches"... and Patek as some sort of "wannabe Jaguar". :D And if we look at these pure facts, Breguet is the WIS of WIS brands, without any doubt whatsoever.

    It's interesting that even watch fans don't give this brand the respect it deserves. Again we come to the marketing and brand recognition... and how important it is in luxury watch business. And that's exactly what this thread is supposed to be about.

  2. Great list southcoast.

    One thing that spot my eye though: Breguet. Placing it to "niche luxury brands" is a blasphemy in highest order!

    Many WIS consider it the King of Wrist Watches... some even above Patek Philippe. Breguet has amazing history as it made the first known wristwatch to Marie Antoinette. They also designed watches for many historic people like Napoleon, Louis XVI and Russian Tsar I. They also invented things like tourbillon (among many other horological masterpieces).

    How can you NOT include Breguet into the WIS brands, and have lowly Panerai (who doesn't even have inhouse movements) on your list? Shame on you! :D

    Yeah... I understand this thread was about how people see the brands, not where they actually belong... so in that sense there are no "right and wrong" replies. Interesting that you put Breguet there... I've always seen Breguet as the most legendary watch brand, with almost mystical "aura" and reputation.

  3. This is the kind of stuff that makes RWG "the best".

    I have owned a few reps with the Seagull ST-19 and it's really great movement. There are some amazing reps (with wrong subdial spacing) that use this fascinating movement. I always feel that they don't get the attention they deserve.

    Members are (generally) too anal about the visual accuracy and forget one very important thing... the "WOW factor". All reps with Seagull ST-19 and transparent glass caseback have that effect on non-watch people. :)

  4. All cool mate... it was me who was aggressive this time. Sorry 'bout that.

    About David Beckham still... he poses in his underwear in every woman's magazine on earth and he & his anorectic, talentless wife take part in every damn celebrity gathering out there... but why do people even care and get suckered into hype? Beckham is not a great player, or even an interesting personality. His wife even less...

    It's quite amazing that those morons got popular in the US. Why? You can definitely keep them. :D

  5. @Fidestro: Ok... sorry about that. Misunderstood your intentions...

    And yes, I love the US... and I like baseball and American football and absolutely LOVE hockey which is the greatest sport in the world. Great sports, great traditions! It just pisses me off that whenever we talk soccer/football here, it always comes to the same old US vs. Europe thing. Boring!

    PS: David Beckham is ghey. :D

  6. Yeah, but Madonna is really losing her looks these days. Plus I really like Guy Richie movies and she totally trashed him in the press. She really is batshit crazy with that Kabbalah shit. And the whole A-Rod deal? Forget about it!

    Wait, soccer. Shit.

    Um, I am American and will now bow out so you can talk "football"

    Hmm... why the aggressive tone? It never ceases to amaze me when we're having soccer/football discussion, these people always pop up from somewhere... bragging about their ignorance.

    6.5 billion people calls "soccer" football, while 300 million people in the US call modified rugby "football" (which, by the way was introduced to you by the Europeans, just like your language, constitution and culture just a little while ago). Plus this forum is half populated by Europeans, and owned by an European... so excuse me while I'm talking football here.

    And Madonna... are you talking about that "all around artist" who can't either sing or act? :D

  7. Hey, just because an obese cocaine freak who pals around with Castro and Chavez, has a tattoo of Fidel on his left leg, one of Che` on his right arm, sides with Ahmadinajhad, has dedicated his entire retirement to lambasting anything 'American', and cheated against England with the infamous "Hand of God" goal in the '86 World Cup? I will agree you should cut some slack to the man who wears not one, but two 116520 Rolex Daytona, one on each wrist, and did, at one time possess some mad football skills. But that's as far as I will concede. :)

    Okay fair enough.

    He's a highly controversial figure, not very bright and not a great human being... but magical in what he did. I was watching the 2008 Olympics football final Argentina-Nigeria, and all those 120.000 Chinese in the stadium sat completely silent through the whole game... it was like a funeral. But when the game was over and Argentina collected the title, they briefly showed Diego Maradona on the Jumbotron screen, the whole stadium was immediately filled with a roar.


  8. as well many infamous anti-heros (Che`, Armando Maradona, Yngwie Malmsteen) wore them it was easy to dismiss. Now I think they may have a strong case. Sigh..........

    You're calling Diego Armando Maradona "Anti Hero"?

    Best football player who has ever sh*tted between two legs... blasphemy! :D

    " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">

  9. Makes no sense to me.

    Take THIS red 1680 dial example still they ask $450 for it.

    It would probably make sense if the dial was really good 1:1 copy, but this is still easily spottable as a fake by anyone who is even remotely familiar with red 1680.

    Sorry if this offends someone, but imho you gotta be an utter moron to buy a dial like this. Some other dials might be better though.

  10. I would generally agree with Bytor and his list looks right to me. I also agree about TAG owners thinking it is a luxury brand, while WIS sometimes think the opposite and think of it as a sort of pricey mall watch - except the higher end Caliber 36 stuff of course.

    This is taking this subject a bit OT, but who cares... this makes an interesting debate.

    I agree about TAG's rather bad image among WIS... but that comes more from the anger than reality... which was caused by the departure from the Heuer roots. I mean, back in 80's when they started to make more quartz watches.

    I agree that brands like Omega and Ebel are horologically above TAG (in principle)... they have inhouse movements and complications. Both have also built very impressive tourbillons. I think Breitling has too. TAG has only created revolutionary quartz movements (if that). But many malls in my country sell both Omega and TAG. At least they used to... so in that sense Breitling and Ebel could be considered to have more "luxury", right?

    But does it have anything to do with the watches themselves... is it all "image" and "branding"? Besides those complications which are just for "image polishing"... all of these brands (Omega, Ebel, Breitling and TAG) use mainly just basic 7750 and quartz. Especially Breitling... I guess 90% of their sales come from basic quartz and 7750.

    Rolex... well yeah their movements are all inhouse which "automatically" places them above TAG, Breitling, Omega... and in many ways even IWC. But on the other hand Rolex has never made anything interesting horologically speaking (unless you consider the new YM2 as a complication). Many say the inhouse Daytona movement is impressive. Maybe it is, but BPH wise and technically/functionally it's just a downgrade from the Mighty El Primero.

    I'm a big fan of all these brands (except for PAM). I don't think I'm biased in any way... at least I try not to. Personally, I see all of these said brands as pretty much in the same playing field. TAG getting the bad rap I don't fully understand... especially from the 7750 Breitling fanboys (ok... just trying to feed some flames and see if dave123 is watching) :D

    PS: Where would you place Zenith in the brand recognition list? I completely forgot about Zenith... many old people are very familiar with them.

  11. Thanks for your thoughts. PAM being well known in London is a surprise to me... but yeah, I guess we Scandinavians are always a bit slow to get the "World trends" here.

    It seems to me that older people are familiar with IWC here, but the young people... not that much.

    I also thought Breitling was very well known, but surprisingly few people seem to be familiar with the brand here. But then again, maybe I'm just asking the wrong people.

  12. I have decided to buy this gen. The day-date rep is almost perfect but I prefer the smaller date-only model, which is probably my favorite sports chronograph ever.


    The preowned gens go for $900 - $1200 at TZ... which is less than 1000 Euros. New ones... well, if I could locate a good, 100% realible seller in the EU, brand new with boxes and paperwork I could go for 1200 EUR, max.

    I'm aware that the US sellers have cheaper prices but I want to avoid customs charging, and want to be able to use bank wire. That's why EU is a must.

    I'm only asking you guys to keep your eyes open for me. I want this watch... I have the funds ready.

    Thanks. :)

  13. I doubt bklm sold the Asian version of the "Noob". I recall all his watches were equipped with ETA.

    I suggest you hang around for a while. You might find a good deal on ETA Noobmariner in the member sales section. Especially now that WM9 v2 has completely "robbed the bank". Lots of members are probably willing to part with their "outdated" Sub reps.

    You can also post to "Wanted to buy" section. I'm sure you'll score... Noobmariner is among the most popular reps out there.

  14. +/- 20 seconds is normal. I wouldn't worry about it.

    Personally, I don't even measure the accuracy anymore as I try to swap watches every day. If it's within a reasonable range like that... don't worry about it. When you have more watches and constantly rotate your collection... well, who cares about the watch being 20, or even 30 seconds off?

    Just my 2c.

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