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Posts posted by Legend

  1. Not judging anyone here but its an interesting subject and I'd have to agree with legend, and add my 10 cents being that if it's your nearest and dearest, then chances are you know about each others collections in detail and geek out together. If not, best to sit in quiet wonder, or simply take another tactic and find an opportunity to raise the subject of watches per se, then perhaps the conversation will move towards rep. If the watch wearer in question admits, or indicates a rep awareness - then low and behold you have a new buddy. Also best to do that in private if the moment arises, to avoid embarrassment for yourself and the watch wearer. If the subject of reps doesnt arise, be safe in your own awereness and knowledge. Because after all thats really what this is all about.

    and now you tell me.. *puts bullhorn and speakers away: :lol:

  2. Confession: I called out on someone rep before.

    So I took a glimpse at it, and I knew that his seadweller was a rep. I was quite convinced because of the back color on the bezel and it didn't reflect the way the gen does. Its hard to explain but the gen has a different feel to the black. I didn't get a chance to look at it closely or inspect it. Anyhow I kept it to myself for a long time, (my parent's potential business partner) I mean I knew he could afford one easily by the approximate income he was receiving. But one day in a casual meeting, with 4 of us talking about business as per usual, Someone popped the question. " So which one of the Rolex'es is gen? " At first, I grinned as i knew mine was gen and his wasn't, but he claimed he has another which he bought at Swiss that was Gen. (To diverge, We were, and still good friends,(all of us) and I think we felt comfortable with each other to be honest and straight forward)

    He said claimed that his was Gen, and so I just said, "well you're gen is at home and I smiled". And he continued to pursue his was a Gen and that he got it used. So I asked to inspect his Rolex SD and begin explaining to him the faults that he had, starting with the reflection, the engraving on the bezel, etc. He didn't buy any of it, until I showed him his movement, in which the hands would reverse in the opposite direction when you turn the crown in a direction. (I learned this from the dealer which I bought my Rolex from) I'm sure not all rep movements are like that, but this one so happened to be that way. He was stunned for a minute. I felt bad and such a **** for pointing it out in his face, but it was just in the moment and I also knew we were comfortable with one another such that we wont really humiliate or put down a person for wearing a rep.

    He then continued by saying, he bought it used from a friend who said that they were in need to pay for the medical bills, and he sold it for cheap. Furthermore the sale included boxes and papers he said, and therefore he was convinced it was gen. In other words, his friend scammed him. Then the discussion changed and we were giving him credit for helping a friend in need, and that the money spent on the watch was well spent. In the end, I felt bad, not knowing whether I should feel worse revealing the truth to him or whether what I did was ethically questionable. But in the end, we are still good friends, and he thanked me for teaching him a new trick about the movement. But in this sense,I think that sometimes calling out reps without any evil intentions or bringing the person down might have a "ok" outcome. Or am I just justifying my wrong deeds :(


    Well if you had never confessed, nobody would know. Therefore I don't think you should be judged by anyone here since your purpose of sharing is not to gloat over the incident. There are a million reasons why someone would wear a rep, why another would never wear one. We all learn about some of those reasons and what matters most is that we learn when to keep our opinions to ourselves in such matters, unless explicitly consulted.

  3. Amen to that. How many times this morning have you looked at your watch? Okay now pop quiz: without looking again, what time is it?

    See, we just enjoy the beasties, we're not so much wearing them to tell the time.

    you put it very accurately.. thats exactly it. I actually depend on my phone for time telling :D

  4. I'm not denying or exaggerating that fact. The point I was trying to make Is that It's no one's business what we are wearing.. Regardless If It's a $20.000 Rolex or a $300.00 Panerai rep. Just put the watch on your wrist and go about one's own business.

    I do understand that some folks Indeed have a difficult time with this simple concept. ;)

    +1 mate.. its always one's own business what goes on his wrist. :thumbs:

  5. True story. I know someone close who owns a gen 2 tone Cartier Santos. He got it from Tourneau back when the store used to send out photocopies (late 80s) of their inventory for sale. So he pent some of his hard earned $$ after being discharged from the US Navy. His first job back was a security guard working nights at a financial institution. One night he found himself one urinal stall away from a well dressed man inside the washroom. His left wrist gave away the unmistakable profile of the Santos He noticed that this well dressed man was staring at his watch even as he washed his hand...then sized him up and down in his security guard uniform, Turns out the well dressed man is one of the senior executives working late and happen to be wearing the same exact watch. Really an awkward moment for both. No one said a word and just a brief exchanged look as he left the washroom.

    honestly, I wouldnt be surprised if the cartier on the exec turns out to be a rep.

    I do know of senior execs wearing reps. I am sometimes one of those. :D

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