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Posts posted by Legend

  1. Damm you got me ................................................................................. Not ! Anyone ever heard of innocent until proven guilty , members on this forum suck ! No support for each other at all I mean here I am new and being accused of being one of the above ! Just because I answer two questions on it ! no wonder the two of them got banned if it's run like this .

    Now listen up, noobie, its not nice to say members on this forum suck. In view of the recent scams, PP disputes, [censored]-stirring and such unpleasant happenings on the forum, you can never be too careful. And before you say there is no support for one another at all, go read on the rest of the threads where there is more support shown to fellow members than your narrow mind can process in a millennium. The difference here? the members that we support are known members in good standing, and in real need of help. Also, do you even know what happened between the two members who got banned here, and the involvement of the admin team? No? Then unless you are training to be a quarry for bigmouth bass fishing, kindly learn to hold your petulant, lacy and frilled tongue and enjoy the rest of that milk bottle.

    When a new guy with legs as wobbly as a fawn turns up and starts to play devil's advocate to members who have, to borrow your erudite expression, "been proven guilty", you better have the padding ready. You are like that guy who is fighting the court ruling to have a 4,382 year jail sentence overturned for a man who has been proven to rape his grandmother, who has been dead for the past 7 years. You raise sandwich boards and cry "oh but he is innocent. He shouldnt be sentenced to 4,382 years in jail!" Now tell me, how would the crowd reaction be to such a guy?

    No its not a crime being new. But being new and full of bravado is like being the nail that sticks out. Be prepared to take some hammering. If you cannot take some jibes and pokes when you are strutting here with your chest puffed out playing the new hero in town, then my advice is stick to playing safe until you are sure your cause is worthy and your argument is infallible. I have nothing against newbies. We are were noobs at some point in time. But unless you are testing out a new flak jacket, why draw the line of fire to yourself?

    This board does not suck, and neither did the two guys get banned for something as petty as what you are doing now.

    If you are not either of the guys in a new guise, nor their buddy, loved one, blood relation, or ardent fan and supporter, it might be a good idea to read and learn instead of take up arms in vain, just to prove whatever point you are trying to prove.

    Come, I am ready for you, brave one. Do your worst. :D

    Yeha this forum stinks!!! [censored] [censored] forum!!!


    Is that what drinking vodka redbull from a plastic cup does to you? :lol:

  2. I've already given my thoughts on those being banned very petty if you ask me , I'm sure both should be given another chance ? After reading all the dispute comments I think they should be given another chance on here , both could be good members going on gottohaverolexnow he looks like he's one of the better members anyway I'm sure his comments were just out of anger as no one has said they have not received anything from him infact the opposite people are saying they have had goods surely admin could give them another one chance ! That's my thoughts anyway they should have done their squabbling in pms not in public but there you go .

    any prizes if I can guess your previous member name? :D

  3. S

    No. I have never thinned out the caseback with an A7750 movement. I never got over the lack of offset pushers, etc. and that drove me directly to the LWO movement. i did it on the original MBW seconds at 9 version as well in spite of the fact its dimensions are closer to gen in the first place.My assumption (and it is an assumption) is that they made the caseback (as well as the case) thicker to fit the larger movement so removing the rotor would help. I have no idea how much you could thin out the caseback (if at all) if you don't remove the rotor.

    and this is why frankens built on the sec@9 cases are closer to the ones built on the sec@12 cases isnt it, assuming the same parts are used.

  4. D is for Douchebag... :lol:

    Awesome handling of the situation, bro :victory: I hate that kind of "Say I sent you..." smug nepotism of someone like that making out like they're doing you a favor :bangin: You showed him who was the real Mr Big at the party :good::drinks:

    Hey bro, thanks for dropping by. :)

    Yes name dropping are either for those who cannot use their own, or think too much of their own. I was, truthfully, a small fish swimming among the bigger ones at the event, and engaging in social politics can be very boring. :yawn:

    I think you would have done better than me in such circumstances. I'll have liked to watch you take him to school :D

    Great story.

    What a pretentious snit

    There's one in every rep collector's life I reckon. :D

  5. Real classy guy this Mr D. With a gen on your wrist, a $1000 bet might have been in order.

    A guy like him, would find excuses to weasel out of it, and in the process, make me a conman. :D

    The funny thing is, his picture can be found on google lol, I tried today. In the first picture I chanced upon, he was wearing a royal oak, partially hidden by shirtsleeves.

    There are guys, that no matter how many APs he own, could not buy self-confidence and the confidence could only come from belittling the next guy.

  6. LOL. Such ignorance from a "wise" 49 years old. TBH most of my friends have a gen AP, and one of my close buddies got his first watch on his 21st Birthday. (Also an AP Black Theme, seems to be the first or coolest AP to get) It is true that it does cost a lot of money to purchase, but that does not mean people like you couldn't afford one. It sounds as though you are an associate I-banker, if I may guess, and sure enough someone in your caliber would easily be able to afford one.

    Furthermore, the prices of cars in Singapore are extremely high relative to the States. It would make more sense to "invest" on an AP than to save up for a car and mod it as a hobby.

    You probably probed his ego, probably going to trade in it and get a Richard Mille. LOL

    Hey mate, good to hear from you again!

    yes I guess he was pretty offended that I could afford a watch in "same" league, though if you want to be technical about it, the Volcano still costs quite a bit more than my basic entry level ROO..

    I am not a banker, though lol, but lets just say I earn enough to get by, with a enough to buy a few occasional nice things from time to time.. you know how Singapore is like.

    I used to have a nifty little car collection, but like you said, it makes much more sense buying a watch than a car in this heavily governed little republic.

    You have lucky and rich friend. I owned my first ROO at the comparatively ripe age of 27. ;)

  7. One word L ...........you know its coming.........ass hole :inverted: met a few of them myself over the years, no time for them!

    Thanks for sharing ;)

    I am tempted to post his pic, but a guy like him would probably be rushing to sue me for defamation, libel, and everything in between. :lol:

  8. I attended a business dinner/gathering recently, and the host was known to an AP aficionado, and a [censored] in my humble opinion. You know, the type that would talk to you only if he thinks you are of equal status, and even so, behaves like he is conferring a great favor upon you when speaking with you. Oh, and he is a replica watch hater according to my associate and friend (a rep collector himself) and I believe that he is of opinion that all rep wearers should be condemned to the deepest pits of the abyss with no chance of being absolved. Yeah, you know the type.

    The dinner was expectedly a lush affair held at a restaurant in a luxurious hotel, and to give credit where it is due, it was a very sumptuous dinner, one where everyone enjoyed. It is the after-dinner conversation I want to tell you about. There were about 50 guests, and after dinner, we all started the drinks and everyone stood up to mingle with one another. Pretentious, superfluously polite high society stuff. I was as out of place with the perfunctory pleasantries as a chandelier in a kitchen, and felt as bored as when I was watching the movie "The Marine".. ok, the movie was worse, except that I got to grope my date fairly outrageously. But I digress, thats a story for a different day. :D

    Anyway, I was scanning the scene, with a drink in hand and feeling like an idiot, while trying to look sophisticated and intelligent and "in", when I spotted the host at the end of the room, pouring himself a drink at the bar. I noted the very generous belly disagreeing with the nice dark blue Armani suit he had on (I found out it was Armani only later on), his ostrich leather Hermes belt, his jowls quivering as he returned a greeting of a guest rather loudly, and yes, I noticed the AP ROO, a Volcano, on his wrist. It was then that I decided to engage the man in a conversation for the sake of courtesy, learning, and experience his notoriety first hand. Boredom fled from me like Legion being exorcised. I straightened my jacket lapels a little, flicked my wrist for a check (wearing my gen AP ROO black themes), and began approaching my target.

    He was just about to finish pouring his drink at the bar, when I reached him. A tentative "Hello Mr D" started it all. (The conversation shown here is an approximation of what went down, and close enough to pass for the actual exchange)

    He looked up, or rather, he looked slightly down. He was about 6'3", and me, a modest, willowy 5'11". A petulant little frown, a little self-important throat clearing, and a rather cautious "Hi, don't believe we've met?" from him. You could almost sense him drawing the cloak of wealth, experience and wisdom, all 49 yrs of him, around him as a mantle to make him seem the bigger dog. He drew up to his full height and stretched out a hand, a gesture which must be learnt from watching countless episodes of Julius Caesar and the glory of Rome.

    I took his hand and shook it, and introduced myself, along with the fact that I was a "friend of S, an associate of his" I also commented that I wanted to tell him that I noticed that he had a nice watch, and wanted to ask his advice as well as to take a closer look as I wanted to buy one myself.

    D checked his wrist, as if noticing his watch for the first time, and remarked: "Oh? I see. I did not know they pay (my job title) so well these days!" Guffaws. The hearty laughter caused a few heads to turn and stare. It was Jabba the Hutt trying to intimidate the younger Jedi. (OK I am no young buck myself, but younger :D) I smiled in response and waited.

    He noticed my watch too, and asked: "You wear an ROO too! Is that a black themes? Is it real?" Yep just as I expected. Taking no prisoners here. Eyes widened a little in mock innocence at his questions. How quaint. That must be how the big bad wolf looked to the little red riding hood just before threatening to make her into lasagne. Yes I know, it depends on which version of the red riding hood you read. Mine had something to do with lasagne I recall.

    "Erm yeah. Bought it from a friend. Wanna have a look?". I replied dutifully. In reality, the watch from bought from the local AD in Singapore. I became friends with the sales agent after a few purchases.

    "Here, let me have a look." He sighed, the appearance of a judge before a heavy sentencing, and I removed my watch for him. He took it in his hand, inspected it front and back and front and back, ad nauseum, and finally, he handed it back and pronounced it "A very very well made replica" and that "I am quite impressed". There was the obvious look of triumph, contempt and dark promises of doom all mixed together on his impressively rotund face, as he handed me the watch back. I asked him "oh really, Mr D? This was my first AP (it is) and I would like to know, what gives?"

    Mr D looked a little flustered and truth be told, quite angry at me. He said to me "Take it to (he named the local AD which I bought my watch from) and said I referred you. They will be able to tell you more. Now if you'll excuse me..."

    "But Mr D," I replied neutrally, "I bought it from my friend at the same AD. Do they make as good a replica version for your Volcano as well?"

    Mr D glared at me, but was recalcitrant. "Yes, but sorry your watch does not look real."

    Me "why so?"

    Mr D: "it just doesn't." and then he sauntered off to bestow his contemptuousness on someone who could appreciate it more.

    What I want to share, is that there will be people in your life, who just refuse to believe that you can afford the same, or nicer watches, cars or houses as they do. Mr D is an expatriate working in Singapore, and has been living here for the past 8 years. I will not name his original country of origin, as it has no bearing on the story or the point I am trying to make.

    I never did get to see his ROO Volcano more closely, nor get to engage him in any meaningful conversation for the rest of that night. But I took no umbrage at his offence. There have always been, and there will always be guys like Mr D around. I do not know if this is a reverse call-out or not, but this is an abridged and true version of what happened, just to share with you guys.

  9. They're not always calling out the watch. They're calling out the wearer.

    what you're suggesting is so true in the real life. Often, the guy wearing a nice watch is often judged whether he could afford it, and if the perceived answer is NO, then it does not matter if he is wearing a gen. It would still be judged to be a fake.

  10. On mine I do shave down the caseback, also the bezel as the gen inner tachy ring is not as tall as the rep and the "interior" of the mid case to further lower the bezel gasket. Of course the key is the lower profile movement and tachy ring. With the original movement it is hard to make significant progress without removing the rotor.

    W, thanks for the information. You also wrote "With the original movement it is hard to make significant progress without removing the rotor" Do you mean the A7750 movement in this case? That the rotor is in the way when you want to thin the caseback?

  11. Comes up to me at work after knowing him for about a year, he as a couple of Gen Rolex date just ( i've heard him take about them to his wife on the phone ) Anyway i have my vintage GMT-Master on yesterday and he says " i didnt know you had watches thats the 1st time i've seen one on your wrist, is it REAL " i say " well i can tell the time off it so it must be a REAL watch. He never spoke to me all day after that, peace at last, he is abit of a know it all and a [censored], he then kept swan necking all day to see if he could glimse it again.

    I do not consider this a call-out, I consider a case of "Questions a [censored] with a brain aneurysm would ask in autumn".

    There will always be guys like that, no matter where we go. Good answer, and keep your passion alive. :D

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