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Posts posted by Legend

  1. I felt the rep lume was lacking in both vibrancy which maybe be true on the gen but sure doesnt seem like genuine c1 superlume to me on the rep; but also consistency in application on the inner bezel

    I believe a relume mod is needed

    Plus the cyclops fix

    the beauty of a rep is that you can mod it and in some aspects (like the lume or even movement health and accuracy), you can better the gen.

  2. Its so true... I have had lings, B&Rs and Omegas etc and they were so poor in lume compared to some reps...

    I also compared the Diver to gen and thought the lume was better ...and I really wouldnt have noticed the thickness without them side by side..

    Its always important to remember that even gens vary....all gens are made in batches and by different people... quality is consistent yes...but.... one dial can vary from another even the finish on a case..

    Its always useful to research the way gens are made and not to rely on just a few pics etc... to compare.... then add in to that the way lighting, lens's and other factors that can affect the way a watch looks in a pic... so because one gen slightly looks different doesnt mean it could be a rep...

    Well said PeteM.. gen doesnt always mean best and perfect forever. I would rather wear a well-made rep than a gen riddled with imperfections, if repair is not considered.

  3. I'm humbled to be mentioned in your beautiful post my friend ;) I must say I feel the same way about RwG I just couldn't have put it into words anywhere near as well as you have :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

    Looking forward to your next 1000 posts Legend !

    Of course you could have my bro.. just that you chose to be conversant in other topics of expertise. I am honored you consider me to be a friend, sincerely. :drinks:

  4. It has been just over a year since I joined RWG, and for me, it has always been the journey, never the destination. And oh my, what a journey it has been. If the journey is to be described, it is best said that it is a road filled with learning, and making friends. The benefits relating to the replica watches have been in fact secondary.

    When you find yourself returning to the same place time and again, out of your own free will, and because you WANT to (and not because you are a character in the movie groundhog day, or because you are doing time for armed robbery), I guess that its because you have, in a way, found your sense of belonging. RWG is a site which I visited on a daily basis since Sep 2011, to browse, to shoot the crap with some of the resident crazies, to buy and sell watches, and to look at the beautiful pictures which some of you have posted up. I have learnt much over the past year, not just about watches, but about life as well. When you really try, you can learn a lot about life just about through anything. In this case, its funny how collecting replica watches have taught me about principles of economics, about human psychology, about consumer behavior, and many different aspects of life which I would not bore you with. Its like setting out to learn to bake a cake and ending up learning to whip up an entire selection of the best desserts on earth.

    What I would like to say, is a simple thank you, and a shout out to some of you.

    1. To the Admin and crew, for founding RWG. I am not conversant with the presumably interesting history of RWG. I only found out about its existence in Sep 2011. Without you guys, there would be no RWG. I would like to thank you guys for putting up with my deviant, politically incorrect, and sometimes outright rude posts filled with truculence, asperity and superfluous sarcasm. Thank you for not banning me or issuing me warnings. In particular, I would like to show my appreciation to Nanuq, who taught me about the forum rules and was kind enough to oblige my title change, to Watchmeister, who always had answers to my questions, and to KB, for putting up with my nonsense posts. You guys taught me what kindness and management was about. I will learn to behave better I promise, until the next douchebag turns up at my doorstep asking for a slap on his ignorant rump.

    2. To the friends I made here: TeeJay, for teaching me about persistence and firmness of opinions and the atrocities of audi drives, to Maxman, for all the humor, totally ridiculous pictures and kindness which you have given me, to Sgtguk, for the friendship and graciousness toward someone who is so much more junior than your good self. Thank you for letting me hang out and play with you boys, despite being the noob here. Daytona1984, for giving me the opportunities to own some really really nice timepieces, and for always being there to help me, and the most recent addition to the list, Eumonians. Thank you for teaching me about what being a gentleman should be about. You guys really colored the site up for me. Between all of you, I learnt a lot about tattoos, Audi drivers, why dead horses should be left alone, vintage Porsches, plastic submariners, extremely unpalatable looking broads, nausea inducing ugliness, and most of all, not to take life too seriously. Well with guys like you all around, how to take life seriously, even if I do try? :D

    3. To everyone of you whom bought the watches I sold, or sold me watches. I never got shortchanged out of a single deal, and I appreciate the integrity and honesty of everyone whom I purchased watches from. You have shown me a special side of the hobby, opening my world to watches I never knew could exist. To those who bought my watches, I acknowledge that some deals could be less than perfect vs your expectations, but I would like to assure you that there was never the slightest intention to cheat or hurt anyone, and I WOULD stand by every single deal I make and resolve any issues arising until you are satisfied, or my resources are exhausted. Jmicro, you there? I'm still here for you buddy ;)

    4. To everyone who corrected me, advised me and enlightened me, a very sincere thank you. You see, my level of technical knowledge regarding watches is slightly above that of the average African rhinoceros, and sometimes, I make comments that are simply dumb. Thank you to each of you for NOT treating me like a rhino, is what I would like to say.Thank you for all the beautiful pictures, enlightening posts, and knowledge shared. I learnt more here than I ever did anywhere else. I will try to do better in this aspect and not irritate the hell out of everyone as a techno noob.

    I love this community, and what it stands for. Oh, there are people I would like to throttle at times, and others I owe apologies to for the obstinate, uncouth and occasional nefarious exchanges, but largely, it has been a journey filled with a plethora of learning, friendship and kindness

    Thank you RWG and thank you to every one of you who have sweetened my stay even by an ounce, and for taking time to read this post of mine.

    . I call RWG home to my hobby, and there is no other place I would rather be.

  5. I recently saw someone wearing this watch (the SS, black dial model) in a mall.

    Like the author stated, it does have a lot of wrist presence. Your eyes will just have to flit back to confirm and admire what it just saw, maybe more than once.

    The word "rep" would not hit you unless you are very very conversant with all the models AP has to offer from the beginning of time till now. To me, it simply looked very nice, classy, a little sophisticated, and giving its owner some "unfair advantage" image wise :D

  6. I let my friend compared my v3 to his gen Diver. When I asked what differences he noticed, he said the lume (standard rep) was better than his gen. :) I think it lume is decent, but definitely not superlume like my Pam's.

    The other things he noticed where the weight, the sweep, and the blue AR on the cyclops. As for the sweep and the AR, he keep moving to different lighting and said he was not sure if it was his imagination or lighting until I told him it was a Rep.

    there are some lume on reps that erm, outshine the gen ones. An example is the latest Patek Phillip Nautilus. My dad has the gen, and it did not seem to me like it has very good lumed markers. Perhaps it was the amount of charging it received. The rep my friend owned (not the exact same model though), on the other hand glowed like a torch when we stepped into a cinema from a well-lit place. Rep PAMs these days also possess exceptional lumes, and virtually indistinguishable from the gens. I know the standard rep AP ROO could do with much better lume. The gen glows bright and long...

  7. It's strange, eh?

    With the amount of detail they are putting into it now, why not make it right? I just don't understand, never will...

    Anyway here is a pic


    Its definitely a beautiful piece. For reps, mistakes and inaccuracies in details are part of the game, I think. This "updated" version at Puretime is pointless, IMO. It merely trades one inaccuracy for another. The pushers on all AP ROO models can come rounded these days anyway, irregardless of model. You simply need to request for it to be done.

  8. Does the Gen Guys appreciate, or respect to be more correct, the art of rep’ing?

    I read some notes at a “Gen Forum” about reps. They were very shocked, and angry, about that the possibility of using gen parts besides reps. In other words they were not respecting the quality handicraft these producers are making. In fact; it is piracy and only copying; but any way, either you like it or not; they are producing good products. As it becomes harder and harder to part a gen from a rep there will be harder fight between the two. “Everyone” knows that Mercedes Benz no longer are the King of Quality. The Japanese cars are far better in that way. Stronger product checks prevent they from putting the star at their bonnet…. But they have built up their own brand.

    Some years ago I read about the production of rep Ferraris. This were not those KitCars made out of MR2, but really fake from the bottom. How exact those were, I do not know. But of all possible products; Cars, paintings, pens and watches; Watches might be the easiest to sell. I am not quite sure if I will manage to keep a pen for a long time…

    When will we see a high quality “own branded” watches in "Andrew & Co’s" store?


    As long as there exists a demand and appreciation for gen watches, and the lack of ability to afford them, there will always be reps and more reps.

    Unless the chinese government enforces a major ultimate sweep and clampdown, they are here to stay, love them or hate them. Even in the unlikely event that the major sweep happens, the rep makers will likely resurface like weed in the garden. And don't we love 'em weeds? :D

    I appreciate the craftsmanship of a nice genuine watch of course. I own a number of them. Yet, I enjoy my reps in a different way. Lets be honest here. Some of my reps are so well made, that I would not buy the genuine article. I won't kid myself, they are replicas. Yet, they function and look like the gen, and they cost but a fraction of the price. Value you say? i am going to keep the watch in my collection, and if I sell them to another rep collector, I would not lose in terms of what I paid for it, and what I would ask for it. So all the points about despising the rep owner, about ethics of owning a rep, they are just not in my consideration when I choose to buy a rep. I would not join RWG in the first place if I feel that the pain of the worm of morality burrowing in my conscience about this little hobby of mine. But hey, unlike the act of closet masturbation, I am happy to share and learn from fellow enthusiasts, and increase and improve my collection of reps.

    To me, a watch has to look nice, keep time well, and feel comfortable on the wrist. I, and you both, do not have to answer to the next guy why we choose to wear a replica instead of the genuine watch. This is simply a personal choice, and the justifications and reasons are many. Its the same when I wear my gens. I am not going to carry the certificates around when I wear the watch, and tell the next guy who asks "Look, this is a gen, and I bought it because I got an extra $5000 lying around, and I chose to buy this". If one does not talk about reasons for choosing to wear a gen watch, why should he explain for wearing a rep one? Its his own business, and his own choice. He may one day opt to switch the rep for its gen counterpart. Whether he does it or not, who would give a hoot, honestly?

    Let us worry about what goes on our wrist, and let us strive to improve our knowledge and widen our interest. To decry the replica collection hobby as despicable or abhorring is not something I would do. I love my rep collection and I love my membership at RWG, and the friends I have made here. I have memberships in a few other gen watch forums, and would like to say that RWG folks possess more class and knowledge than many of the upturned-nosed, limpy-handshake, and shifty-eyed blokes I met the misfortune to encounter from the other forums.

    We behave like real people here, replica watch owner or not. A large number of us own gens as well, and have learnt to enjoy the best of both worlds. The rep haters are simply those who have not learnt to do the same.

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