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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. I haven't been too brave with testing mine. I have no need to use them in water, so they stay dry. However, I do have one sucess that I tested. At a rating of 1000ft, it survived my biggest water test I have ever done....... Drum roll please..... Steelfish, in my sink :)

    Congrats on the 1000th post too!!

  2. What about the butterfly effect? A minimal change in an otherwise stable model is all that's needed.

    Yes but the fact that the main change is caused by events byond our control, being more green will not do alot to change the global temperature

    I do agree we should be more green, we should be more healthy etc.... but for different reasons, not this 'political scam' thet Al Gore is selling

  3. Here's a bit about me then....

    I finshed college, and was made a partner in the family construction firm.

    I worked full time as a partner for two years, before trying to get in to the Air Force as a pilot. I had a medical issue that is currently on appeal.

    I knew how difficult it was to get in the RAF, so I applied to uni at the same time, and have just finished my first year of a law degree. If I can't appeal to the medical board of the Air Force, depending on a diagnosis, I will continue with my law degree, and hopefully practice as a barrister in the future.

    I am back and working full time in the construction firm again now for the summer, and will reosrt to part time once the second year of uni kicks of again in september.

    EDIT - I dont know what I was more disappointed about....The fact that I might not be able to get a commission in the airforce, or the fact I had even bought the watch for the job haha (see avatar)

  4. I feel there is too much based on the argument that they feel it is not justified to pay an amount for access to an area that they may not need, or due to the collectors that who are in those sections not being to the requirements or satisfaction they require. I for one don't use the VIP section all that much, I hardly ever purchase reps now, but being a part of this forum, and being involved in watches is a big part of my life now. For the sake of $30, it's not alot.

    I think Stephane's post has been taken rather differently form how he wished it to be taken. I think long term members should consider upgrading, because admin, who I can imagine stump a large part of the costs personally, could quite easily say, no, we've had enough, and pull the plug. The privilege for me is to be here now, typing, not to gain access to the collectors section.

    Teejay, I absolutely understand where you are coming from, it is something that should not be preached. I enjoy your posts. You have been part of this forum for a fair amount of time now, if you genuinely dislike the fact that some collectors here are in your opinion not worthy of their status, that to me is fine, I am sure you can justify that, some of it would not take much! So that leads me to conclude that the reason you are here is because you have a good time, as so am I. You probably learn alot, and you also offer alot to the forum. Therefore, for the sake of $30 a year, isn't it a small price to pay in order to help for the maintenance of not only the forum, but your hobby? However, of course you do not have to pay to be here, as you are now.

    I do not look at peoples membership status and make any judgements. The way I see the subscription fee personally, is that it is not what I gain from it in access, it is what I gain from it in continuity of the board itself.

    Best Wishes

  5. It would make a nice gift. However, one thing to consider is if someone see's her with this kind of watch, knows the value of it, and then manipulate her in some way. It would be horrible for such a watch to attract the kind of unwanted attention. How likely that is I don't know, but maybe something to also consider. Like you said though, she will hang around with people who wouldn't notice, and the BB are very rare, the chances of anyone realising it's worth (if it were a gen) are minimal!

  6. Ah yes I see what you mean now. I don't have a Super Avenger, but looking at my Steelfish it has a similar kind of bezel, and it would probably need removing in order to get the crystal out. Hopefully someone who has experience of the super avenger could offer some support on this.

    I think if you remove the screws around the outside the bezel should come off.

  7. You'll need to take the movement out to get to the crystal. First off, remove the bracelet, makes it much easier to work with.

    Then remove the caeback.

    Set time to 12.

    Pull the crown out fully. On the movement you will notice where the crown stem would pass over is a recessed button. Place a fkat ended screw driver onto this and press. Do not use anything smaller than the button, such as a pin, and do not lean on it with all your weight, just enough so that the crown becomes removeable.

    There may also be some screws around the outside that may nbeed to be removed, to unattach it from the movement holder. Once the movement is out, I used my fingers to pop the crystal out, be careful, aim it at a bed or something like a cushion, mine travelled some distance the first time :lol:

    There will also be a light AR on the inside like the navitimers that will need to be removed. To get mine off I used some sand paper, or if you have a dremel use one of these, it saves alot of elbow grease!

  8. I take it that statstic is that USA produces 33% of the greenhouse gases emitted by humans, and not 33% of all gases in total? There is only 0.04% of C02 in the air, so break that down to what humans contribute, then 33% of that figure is minimal.

  9. In a way though some of those posts are noobs asking for 'collectors'. However these areas ar eonly available to VIP membership. So in suggesting to get a VIP upgrade, it is actually giving them advice on how to get to the collectors area.

    If we were to simplygive a link, then surely that defeats the purpose of having the VIP area, which is a factor in the protection of this website becoming to avaialble to people who could damage our hobby?

  10. It's not the amount that concerns me, it is the principle. Edge pointed out the Cartel's behaviour, yet people still not only tollerate them, but virtually worship them, and the admins allows them to continue to attract business via the forum. There is no way I am prepared to give financial assistance to a forum which continues to tollerate proven liars. There is a distinction here between 'the forum', as a commercial entity, and 'the community', of people who post on it. Given my experience with Silix, I am going to stick with the CQout dealers who I know I can trust, because I have personally dealt with them. I'm not bothered about 'Super Reps', so what do I need the 'trusted collectors' for? As I say, this is about principle, not cost.

    Im not sure I completely understand your point here. What I am about to post isn't intended to come across argunmentative, but purely a healthy good spirited discussion :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Is it that due to the VIP membership, it gives access to the section of collectors and therefore, due to your view famous four (which is completely justified I might add) it is furthering their business? If that is what you mean, I understand that.

    However, Im on the other side of the fence, and contribute because without money, this forum will go down the plughole. Although there was some controversy, and this topic should not turn into a debate on the integrity of our collectors, as this has been done too much in the past, could it not be hypocrytical to say you don't support the board due to their support of the collectors, but are still willing to post and get information from it for free? I can completely understand why you would stick with Silix, he is a great collector. However, In order for this forum to survive, and for noobs to have access to such dealers, it is vital that contributions are given to the board, so that it can be maintained?

    I also fully understand that this should not be preached, and people should not be forcd into such membership, this forum is not run in a dictatorship styled fashion, and I think it's good that it allows access to a great deal of info for free. For me the VIP membership isn't about status, getting access to info, getting access to collectors, it is about the preservation of the future of this forum.

  11. Personally I didn't subscribe to the forum to get access to said areas. I contributed because it costs alot to keep this place running, and I aswell contribute information to this forum, but without money, I would not be able to do so, or learn from others posts. For the sake of $30 per year (0.08 dollars a day) I can make a tiny contribution to help this place running. For me it is not about getting access to areas, it is to ensure that a forum as great as this keeps running so I can continue to contribute information, and continue to learn from information contributed by others like yourself.

  12. I think it may be the origins, but would love to hear if there are any that predate the Navy's, I should have asked the time period from when it came!

    There are a couple of others too....Warning Thread Hijack Start :whistling:

    Fill your boots - In the navy they used to have water canteens made out of leather (I think) called boots, so the captain would used to say, 'go fill your boots'

    Three sqaure meals a day - The Naval plates used to be wooden and square. They were served three meals a day, hence the saying.

    On the fiddle - These plates had a lip around the edge, to stop the food slopping over the sides (especially in rough sea's) which was called 'the fiddle'. Some sailors would take food off of other sailors plates, and in doing so, they were going over the fiddle, and therefore the term, 'on the fiddle' came about.

    End of Thread Hijack :winkiss:

  13. Not quite on the topic, but something interesting I learned the other day. As part of the Royal Naval Reserve, I get to go on some pretty interesting trips. I went to Yeovil a few months ago to do some flying, and we went to the museum down there. Apparently the word watch originates form the Navy.

    A bell would be rung with certain number of gongs representing a certain time, so the rest of the ship knew what time it was. This was done by the Officer of the Watch, hence the name watch.

  14. Looks good! Unfortunately there isn't muh that can be done about the crown positioning, it is there due to the movement. Unless we get an exact copy of the Rolex movement, it's going to stay like that for the foreseeable future on these models.

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