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Posts posted by b16a2

  1. Hadn't seen the rep of the Bentley before, nice spot! It is pretty much spot on now with the seconds running at 3. All it would require is an AR coating and a relume. Unlike the other large Bentley's the gen doesnt have a 30 seconds chronograph (sweeps around at twice the speed of a normal one) so this is possibly the most accurate Bentley we have seen yet.

  2. It's taken me this long to chip in, but here goes.

    Super reps my [censored]. They are simply better than average reps at ever inflating prices. The supremely accurate rep is not a new phenomenon (despite the impression of the last six months). What is so unusual now is for a rep to be so spot on first time and to appear from one source only, which allows for premium pricing on release. Cartel, anyone?!?!

    I'm of the opinion that the 'early adopters' can pay what the bloomin' hell they like. Market forces will drive the prices down as the more shrewd buyer waits.

    Oh, and with regards to that premium pricing, Silix are now undercutting the cartel on a Ferrari PAM by $50.

    I have to agree. I used to be of the opinion that super reps were the 2nd coming. However, looking back, some of the reps we have seen in the past, such as the SMP Chrono, IWC Gst, Tag Heuer Link Chrono, UPO etc..... are just as good. The main differences are;

    They come from a different factory that doesn't offer double AR,

    We don't have any input on them,

    They don't receive the hype.

    Now these new reps are very good, don't get me wrong, however I think they are in the same category as the previous gens of great replicas, such as the aforementioned.

    They are 'super' reps, but they are not 'super reps'

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