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Posts posted by Legend

  1. Thank you so much for your reply!

    A nice grim reaper you are.

    i find the movement jargon quite confronting and confusing.. but as i read more i guess i learn it. Super pumped to have the tears of joy when i receive my first purchase.

    done some research on the movements.. now to find the right watch..

    thanks again for your help

    Get more opinions from the community here when you have finally chosen your watch. If your tears are tears of joy, then I wish that you will cry buckets lol

  2. Hello

    First, welcome and no I am not gonna bash you just because you are new. I speak for many here.

    http://www.rwg.cc/forum/76-movement-qampa/ You can try reading here. Lots of useful posts on the A7750.

    When you get sent QC pics, you first ensure that you are getting the correct watch, then look out for flaws on the specific watch, like crooked markers, missing screws, visual imperfections, etc. The list of possible things that could screw up is non-exhaustive, and it would depend on which watch you order and who you order it from. The timeographer readout would tell you about the movement health of your watch. Your dealer should include such a pic in the series of QC pics. If he doesn't, you should ask for one.

    In my opinion, accuracy to gen should not be determined at the QC pics stage, but rather researched before that. Do a search and ask members who own the same watch for their opinions and advice.

    It is a fun process and you should take your time with each purchase. The culmination is always when you tear open the package and see and feel the watch in the flesh...as tears of joy and gratitude flow down your cheeks and you whisper words of thanks to the God of Horology reps. Ok I am being dramatic here but you get the idea. :drinks:

  3. Yes now your showing your true colours , look all I want is either the watch or a refund , all I've had is nonsense from you until you answered this thread you have not given me a straight answer just sort the refund out when you get it end of.

    To be fair to member lunarglide, customs and delivery problem should not be attributed to him. You should actually contact Royal Mail and not pick on something that he could not effectively assist you with,

  4. Actually, a lot of us own both gens and reps. To me, there are certain models that the rep simply could not replace. Having said that, there are MANY models which I would rather get the rep. I do not think we "hate" the rep collectors, because to me, a watch is a personal decision and what a man (or woman) choose to wear is his own business and pleasure.

    From experience, at the end of the day, WE are the ones who pay the most attention to our own watches, while casually glancing at the watches of our neighbors. Unless said neighbor is wearing a double tourbillon watch with shocking pink strap and diamond encrusted case, we would usually pass off the visual experience with "hey nice watch" and leave it up to the owner to go further from there. Gen or rep, if you could carry it off well, its your own business what you wear. Hating, or rather being condescending toward a rep collector just because he could not or would not wear the gen for whatever reason, is like hating the next shopper who buys the same item during a major sale. It is simply a matter of choice and affordability what watch one chooses. I have been asked if my gen ROO was a rep, and gotten my rep ROO mistaken for a gen before. Ultimately, nobody would care as much about what is on your wrist, more than yourself.So the hating, deriding, and ridicule for rep collectors by the so-called gen owners, happen mostly online, in my opinion.

    I would not walk up to a guy wearing an obvious rep of a model I own and start blasting him for wearing a lousy rep. Especially if said guy is 100lbs more than me...

  5. I bet if you followed the average Replica Hater Poster (RHP) home you would see that he has a lot of fake and illegal stuff.

    His computer has pirated programs.

    His (leased) Lexus has Jiffy Lube oil in it (not $10/quart 'Lexus Certified Oil').

    He bought his gen-u-ine rolex...On Credit!

    He watches bootleg DVDs.

    He wears fake Oakleys.

    He is waaay behind on his house payments.

    His daughter ain't his but he don't know it.

    His wife has fake ta-tas.

    ...and a girlfriend.

    His 'girlfriend' is really a she-him.

    He has a sock stuffed in his undies.

    etc, etc... :pimp:

    and i think that sums it up very nicely. lol :drinks:

  6. thanks LK for commenting...makes sense :)We'll see what she comes back with? I already told her I'm not bailing her out if she gets caught trafficking in a bunchof fake bags through JFK airport :)

    Dylan, if she gets caught at JFK, you'll have your questions answered about how good Korea reps are lol.FYI, my friend routinely carries rep LV, chanel and gucci during her travels to both Europe and USA (she's a flight stewardess) and so far, each bag has safely travelled the world and back. she does own gen ones, but prefers "not to get them beat up" when travelling.

    Oh, and the reps are chinese of course. I know, cos I ordered them on her behalf. ;)

  7. Korea does have its own replica manufacturing industry for bags and apparel, but I am not too sure about watches.

    I have seen the Hermes replicas offered in Korea, and I would have to say that for the price, they are not necessary better than the Chinese made ones.

    As you are well aware, the bags are mostly cut by hand and stitched and assembled by hand. How good the bag turns out would depend largely on the skills on the individual.

    You get skilled and unskilled craftsmen in both countries, so the question of which country offers the better replica is a moot one. Show me an "AAA+++" replica from Korea, and I am likely to find the same one in China, and vice versa.

    It is a fact that the Chinese made replicas are more accessible online than the Korean ones. More chinese goods are marketed and sold than the Korean ones, and hence, by proxy, more flaws will be discovered about the chinese reps circulating in the market, as compared to the relatively lower number of Korean rep circulations.

    If your girlfriend is going to Korea, it makes sense for her to check out, select and purchase the reps she could see and feel herself, as opposed to buying chinese reps online.

    Just my 2 cents worth.. someone else would be able to give you different and more insightful perspectives I guess. ;)

  8. If the differences between rep and gen watches can be quantified, then I would say that aesthetically, the difference would be within 10% visually, for the TOP QUALITY reps and their gen counterparts. If you are the gen owner, and you meet up with someone with the rep version of your watch, how would you feel, having spent so much more, to gain that mostly-inconspicuous differentiation? lol

  9. There're always ways of resolving things honorably..



    TeeJay..are you suggesting the OP commits Hara Kiri/Seppuku, simply over this issue? LOL

    Come on man, I think withdrawing the PP dispute claim and settling this with the seller would be a more practical (and less permanent) method, no? :)

  10. Listen, anyone who files a PayPal dispute against any of the dealers on this forum does not belong here. That deserves an instant ban, there is absolutely no excuse. Additionally, you have 45 days to file a PayPal claim. Despite everyone here reassuring you, you decide to be a spaz and an idiot and file one anyway. You trying to sell the bag before he got back to you is understandable, but filing a PayPal claim AFTER that is absolutely inexcusable. That looks like theft, plain and simple. You're trying to sell something, and also get the money back you paid for it. In addition, all your excuses are idiotic. The bag you purchased is extremely close to the genuine, which you apparently haven't ever even seen yet you're complaining about it. You had a seriously lapse in judgement, and all your excuses are making it worse since your actions were indefensible. I followed this thread from the beginning and was trying to see your side of things, until you filed a dispute.

    First of call, cancel the dispute before anything is resolved, because you are just making this worse for yourself. Second, either keep the bag and suck up the fact that YOU made a mistake, or ship it back to KB so he can send it to someone else. And for the record, KB shouldn't be expected to give you a refund before you ship it. You've proven to be untreatable. I'll even give you a guarantee and pay you whatever the bag costs if KB doesn't refund you appropriate costs less shipping. Third, please do us all a favor and never come back here again. You've been arguably one of the most problematic members in the history of this forum.

    OP, I agree with Muttsta, the right thing to do, if you really wish to resolve the issue, is to cancel the PP dispute. Also, I honestly think the rep and the gen of this bag looks closer than the reps of a lot of watches sold here look against their gen counterparts. Be fair to the dealer, he has discharged his due responsibility. I would not call you any names, but at the end of the day, I think you should not have filed the PP dispute. Do you know that it affects not just the dealer, but the rest of the members here who decide to purchase from said dealer?

    Be responsible, considerate, and most important, be a man and do the right thing here. You're behaving like a boy is blaming the ice cream for being too cold or the rain for being too wet.

  11. western union benefits the seller in terms of "money in the hands" efficiency and having no tie-ons to aftersales disputes.

    Generally, buyers can ask for more discount when paying via western union. So, don't forget to ask for a better price if you adopt this payment method!

  12. In all fairness, lets let KB and NSTNS settle this between themselves from this point onwards?

    The OP should have chosen a more discreet manner to settle this, instead of opting to start a thread on this. It apparently backfired.

    At the end of it all, I would like to believe we have two members matured and capable enough to settle this between them. Let's not add fuel to the flames if we have no bone of contention in this.

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