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Posts posted by Ronin

  1. Star Wars (1977)

    Kill Bill

    Lost in Translation

    (I have way too many fav's to pick three, but those came to mind first...Honorable mention: Fifth Element, Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs.)

    Hmmm, top three per genre might be more fun.


  2. Interesting comments. I guess I am the Kobold defender then. He and his watches are gaining immense popularity, and getting write ups. The 2009 WT Buyers Guide has at least half a dozen.

    I am a fan of the very clean, minimalistic, yet functional designs of his. Who knows, this may actually be the time to buy a gen Kobold if his success propels him and his company higher.


  3. Yes, but he makes some nice, high quality watches. I am not defending his past, but he is a 'young' guy. 24 at the time. Hopefully he learned his lesson and will keep his head on straight. Stick to watches instead of impersonating law enforcement.

    Hmmmm, not like anyone here has done anything wrong in the eyes of the law or fibbed to customs agents. Sounds like he would fit in here. LOL. ;)


  4. First, let me say good choice. I have been watching (no pun inteneded) Kobold for some time, and love their Sorway GMT.

    You WILL WANT a good quality gen, regardless of how many reps you have. There are simply times, a rep won't cut it. Not to mention the Kobold is a REAL dive watch that will take abuse and and can be used for all occasions.

    If you get the Kobold, please show it off in the "Other Brands" forum here.

    If you can swing the Gen get it. And pick up some reps from the "trade area" here as time and $$ permits.


    :thumbs: Kobold -- Wish they would start repping them.

  5. Well I am a huge Canon fan as well. The cameras you have listed above are GOOD "Point and Shoot" and they all have both a Macro mode and a Digital Macro mode.

    Until I get a new DSLR, I have been using an older version of the cameras you are looking at. These photos were taken with a Canon SD630. http://www.rwg.cc/members/Black-and-Red-Br...g-B-t93889.html

    This is as good as it gets, and it takes a lot of setup. The other problem is when the camera gets close enough to take a good macro shot, it casts a shadow or reflection of the camera in the crystal.

    So, if you can live with this quality (probably better, since the SD630 is older) your original choices are not too bad.

    I agree though for watch photography a DSLR or Canon G series at the minimum.



  6. @By-Tor - yep I have the Replay DVD re-release. I agree the Show of Hands tour really stands out. The opening bass riff to Prime Mover is a personal favorite. I was however disappointed with the "Rush in Rio" DVD and CD. They were fine, but the audio recording quality does not seem up to par. I still need to pick up the Snakes and Arrows DVD.

    @mjmurphy926 - Great place to get married.


  7. well, 12 hours later.... its gone from being about 20 seconds fast to 2 seconds so that is much better eh?!

    The tricky bit now I suppose is slowing it down by 4 seconds, if indeed that will be the case at 8pm tonight.


    2 Seconds fast, leave it. Keep in mind that number can vary based on if it is: on your wrist, sitting face up, sitting face down, sitting crown up, temperature, etc.

    Good job!


  8. My HKTAN strap arrived!!! It is fantastic. A little photo practice. Keep in mind these were shot with a low end Point and Shoot Canon SD630.




    Buckle installed...LaLa approves. LaLa want's to touch it.


    Strap installed.


    OhhLaaLaa also approves


    Harley Quinn approves


    Wrist shots




    That was fun. If anyone want's any of these in 1600x1200 hi-res for wallpaper, drop me a line.


  9. Bigtime Rush fan myself. I played Bass (Rickenbacker 4001) & Keyboards in a Rush Cover Band "Vital Signs" (cough) 20 years ago. I also had some written correspondence with Neil circa Hold Your Fire tour.

    I saw the preview for the movie, now I have to see it!

    Although old news for X-Box/PS3 gamers. Wii owners with Rock Band 2 can now download the entire "Moving Pictures" album and Working Man. The game comes with The Trees. These are original no-cover versions. So IF you want to play along to your favorite Rush Tunes, check it out. There are two "The Who" songs on there as well (since we seem to have some Who fans here).


  10. I did not even noticed that before. about the red writing been white. he is asking 365.00 i think is too much for a dial that is not even right. Maybe Ziggy can change the color of the letters. but then i will a need case back and a super dome.



    Too much $$$. Run away.... :-)

    Good catch on the Submariner 2000 should be red.


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